Sway Log Pt. 2
A few weeks ago I switched from KDE to Sway.
As I’ve kept using it I’ve continued to find cool little ways to improve my setup, but I’ve also uncovered a few pain points for Wayland.
Notable Tools and Programs I’m Using
- foot - terminal emulator
- waybar - system panel
- kickoff - simple but pretty launcher
- swaync - sway notification center
- sway-new-workspace - a simple script to create a new workspace and move to it
- autotiling - a script that automatically changes the split direction based on window width
- sworkstyle - dynamically renames workspaces to show the icons of the programs that are open on them
- Find a good way to back up my dotfiles. I’m getting sort of attached to them now.
- Find a utility to make connecting to different displays easier – I’m already aware of a few.
- Set up a program to show some sort of overlay when changing the volume. This is low priority since it’s only a problem in fullscreen.
Not So Good Stuff
Gaming is hit or miss. I’ve run into a few odd gamebreaking issues that aren’t present on X11 KDE, so I’m still relying on that for gaming. Some of them might be fixable with enough config tinkering, but on the bright side I guess having to log into a separate environment for gaming is alright for limiting distractions.
Screen sharing
Screen sharing on Zoom still isn’t possible, or at least takes a lot of configuration, and unfortunately it’s a Zoom problem rather than a Wayland problem. Supposedly it works in the web browser version but I haven’t given that a try yet.