I'm Reading Again

I’ve started to pick up reading again!

The last time I was really into reading was during school. I made it through a couple books but eventually I got busy and got thrown off the habit. I also was just reading off of my phone which definitely worked but would usually get tiring after some time. Not to mention I’d have notifications and other apps competing for my attention.

Since this last week I’ve been using one of the new Kobo readers, the Clara BW. I’ll save most of my thoughts on it for a future review after I’ve spent more time with it, but so far I’m really happy with it! It really is an upgrade from phone reading in every way, and I can see myself reading more often with it than if I were to rely solely on physical books. If you don’t want to wait for my review, my friend Joel recently reviewed his Kobo Clara 2E, a slightly older model which my BW is very nearly identical to.

I’ve also started tracking the books I’m reading and wanting to read over at You can follow my profile there from Mastodon or any other Fediverse platform if you’re interested in updates about what I’m reading. Currently I’m partway through Dune and Roadside Picnic and am loving both!

If you’ve got any book suggestions, feel free to get in touch! I’ve got plans to binge sci-fi pretty hard, but I’m open to checking out other genres too.

— JP

Comment via Fediverse

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